How To Be The Ultimate Boss Babe!

We all have in her deep inside of us. Some of us let’s her shine through every day! She is shining with confidence. As soon as she steps in the room everyone sits up a straighter. Her business is skyrocketing and she is making plenty of deposits in the bank. Who is she?

She is Bossbabe! She is in us all!

Being a Bossbabe takes skill, dedication, and an relentless mindset to succeed no matter the circumstances.

Here are steps to make your inner Bossbabe come through!

1. Be Authentic Who likes someone who is not themselves? Always being different depending on who they are talking to that day? We don’t like #fakebitches. And no you can’t sit here with us! Be true to yourself. You know what you want and who you are. Stay true to that. Bossbabes could care less about who likes them and who doesn’t. When you are minding your own business and working on your glow up, the last thing you are thinking of what other people’s opinions are of you. Don’t be afraid to tell people your idea. Say what you mean and mean what you say. When you are true to yourself and make no apologies for it, you will draw people around you who love you for you. And that doesn’t compare to anything!

2.Your Vision– Make a commitment to your vision and goals. Whatever business you have decided to do, whether it is a social media influencer, lifestyle or beauty blogger, or making your own product to sell; never give up on yourself. Write out your goals, make it attainable, and commit to crossing out every damn goal you set. You believe in yourself and know that you will succeed in everything you set forth to achieve. This will make you feel empowered and will also have you leading as an example. You never know who is watching you!

3. Create A Blog-Blogging is where it’s at! You can create a blog about anything these days. Fashion, crafts, being a mother, makeup, home decor, lifestyle, etc. You can let the whole world know what you are passionate about and can also put some funds in your purses. I chose WordPress to make my blogs. It was simple, easy, and only took a few minutes!

4. Make and Sell Your Own Product– Why not make money from your favorite hobby? If you know how to make candles, baked goods, or T-shirts; it’s time to profit off of them! To make money doing what you love is everyone’s dreams! You can sell your own product on many different sites. Amazon, Ebay, Shopify, or Etsy. Go at it Bossbabe!

5. Boutiques– Boutiques are the in thing right now. Whether you have a physical boutique, online, or a pop-up shop; it has become a very simple thing to run. There are so many people wholesaling products from companies, creating social media pages for the products, and then selling it and making bank! The possibilities are endless as to what you can sell. Hair, clothing, makeup, you name it you can sell it!

6. Boss Up!- Wanting to be a Bossbabe is absolutely freaking awesome. Independence, setting your own rules, and empowering other women is thrilling. Before you decide to conquer the world you must educate yourself. Read as many books as you can about owning your own business. It’s one thing to jump out on a limb and go for it. And some people can and will do just that. For others, who want to be a little more prepared for what’s in store read to get some insight on being an entrepreneur. I created a list of books to equip you on this journey Top 5 Books You Need To Put On Your Must Read List

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